

Corona Virus Cases Increasing

Posted by Shubham Suman on Jun 5th 2020

There are currently over 6.6 million corona virus cases. Over 390,000 deaths. Over 3.2 million recovered.For more info go to

Masks are being required

Posted by Shubham Suman on Jun 5th 2020

Many places across the USA are now making it essential for everyone to wear masks when they are outside. Places such as California, New York, Pennsylvania and many more are making it required.Check if … Read More

How does CoronaVirus Spread - References CDC

Posted by Shubham Suman on Mar 29th 2020

There are two primary ways that the Corona Virus spreads Person to Person - When a person is closer than 6 feet from another infected person When infected person sneezes or coughs&nbs … Read More